Four times a year we have an auction for the members. You can find the most recent auction-list here. Color illustrations of a selection of lots are included. The illustrations may be enlarged by clicking on them.
The upcoming Auction (01-03-2025)
Bidding is open to members. See the membership page for details.
It is possible to bid by e-mail or by letter, see the Auction-list for details.
Payments via bank account NL75 INGB 000 315 1752 (BIC: INGBNL2A)
to the attention of Penningm. Postzegelveren. Griekenland, Barendrecht with a reference to the auction number.
You can offer lots for the auction all year long. Please contact the auctioneer for more information.
Membership costs €25 annually with a digital subscription to the Hermes. If you want to receive the Hermes also on paper, the contribution is €37,50 within The Netherlands, and € 50 for foreign members.
PV Griekenland was founded in 1966 and aims to enlarge the interest in collecting Greek stamps and postal stationary.
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