Bulletin Hermes
Hermes example pages


HERMES is the quarterly periodical of Hellenic Philatelic Society of the Netherlands. It contains 16 pages of information (in Dutch) for members of the society and a number of articles written by the members about the Greek collection area.

The subjects discussed are very varied. Of course, there is much attention to the stamps and postal markings of Greece, but also postal history, forgeries and, for example, fiscal stamps are included. In addition, there are thematic subjects like Greek history and classical antiquity. Related areas, such as the Levant and Cyprus, are also discussed.

For an impression, see the attached copy in pdf, which contains a selection of articles.

For the contents of the latest Hermes editions, see further below.

For members of our Society with a digital subscription, a digital version of Hermes is available by following the link in the "Members's" page.

Jubilee: 50 Years of Hermes

In 2019 Hermes celebrated its 50th birthday. On this occasion there was a re-issue of four of the leading articles of prominent members of our society from the first 25 years of Hermes' existence. The articles have been updated, translated in english and some (new) illustrations have been added. See our Publications-page for the articles. To learn more about the history of Hermes, click here.

Hermes 203

May 2024

Hermes Edition 203




Message from our chairman


Marco van de Mortel: Report of the members meeting on March, 9, 2024

The secretary reports on this meeting.


Peer van Meetelen: A rare Charity stamp
Peer shows a remarkable forgery of the Hellas C25 charity stamp offered on Ebay.


Leo Derynck: The military postcards of 1916-1917
This article is about Hellas V, PC41-PC42, the so-called “Evzones” postcards. The author discusses the military and civilian mail that was carried out with these postcards.


Rien Smit: Ignorance among forgers
Rien discusses the 20 lepta stamp of Crete from 1905 with Epanastasis overprint from 1922 (Hellas 403). He shows a forgery of the overprint on a stamp with a cancellation from 1905!


Vincent Prange: The first “Greek” airmail issue
The author describes in detail the origins of the first Greek airmail issue for the Italian airline Aero Espresso Italiana in 1926.

Hermes 202

February 2024

Hermes Edition 202




Message from our chairman


Marco van de Mortel: Report of the members meeting on December 2, 2023

The secretary reports on this meeting.


Joost Meyer: The end of an era?

The ELTA has announced that registered mail and parcels must now be franked with a label instead of stamps. This angered the collectors of Greek stamps.


Joost Meyer: Search for ancient civilizations

The author looks at the meaning of the symbols on the sheetlet issued on the occasion of the Forum of Ancient Civilizations in 2017.


Ruud Verberne: Book review: “the Great Hermes heads, prints and color nuances” by Stavros Andreadis

Ruud discusses this beautiful book by Stavros Andreadis, published by Karamitsos. See also the "Publications" page.


Peer van Meetelen: Report of the Oudejaarsbeurs Expo Houten

An impression of this fair that was held on December 28 and 29.


Ruud Verberne: False prints on the Viennese lithograph printing of 1926

The author shows examples of these forgeries, taken from an article in Philotelia 738 by Anthoni Manoloudis


Joost Meyer: Antique bogus stamps from Samos

The author shows stamp-imitations from 1889 by a certain Thallasinos.


Frans Bruna & Frans van Limpt: The stamps for the so called Intermediate Olympic Games (1906)

What is depicted on the stamps from this series from 1906?


Ruud Verberne: False overprints on Crete stamps

Ruud shows some forgeries of the small Hellas overprint on stamps of Crete.

Hermes 201

November 2023

Hermes Edition 201




Message from our chairman


Marco van de Mortel: Report of the members meeting on September 9, 2023

The secretary reports on this meeting.


Peer van Meetelen: The Perfin collection of Jan Blijleven

Our auctioneer announces a special auction. Jan Blijleven's collection is auctioned for the highest bid. Candidates can bid until March 2, 2024 at the latest. For the collection, see: https://pvgriekenland.nl/publications/21_PerfinsCollectionUK.pdf. More information is available from out auctioneer.


Leo Derynck: A postcard with problems

Leo discusses the use of the cancel “LP” on mail to Switzerland in the period 1918-1920.


Eugène Endenburg: The Life of Maria Callas
The author describes her life story and pays attention to the new museum in Athens dedicated to her.


Hans Paul Soetens: The “independent” Ionian Islands: history through postal items
Hans Paul discusses the turbulent history of this archipelago, with an emphasis on the period 1790-1830 and shows some postal items from that time.


Joost Meyer: Stamps on stamps, part 3: Cyprus
In this final part the author shows the stamps issued with images of Cypriot stamps.


Oscar van der Vliet: Review: N.Antypas: Hellenic Steamship Companies and their Handstamps
A review of this reference work on ship cancellations


Joost Meyer: Archimedes' time machine
Some notes on this Italian/Greek mathematician and inventor.

Contents of older issues of Hermes

For the contents of older issues of Hermes, see the indexes in the library.

Click here to see the contents of our digital news letters (Dutch only), number 1, number 2 and number 3.