Two stamps with a value of TL 2,00 and TL 8,00 celebrating 50 years since the social aid stamp and for the battle against Corona. The stamps were printed in sheets of eight stamps.
Number printed:
G.K. Sonmezer
Devlet Basimevi
41 x 26
20.000 each
2020 - 2
10th of September 2020: Europa - ancient postal routes
Two stamps with a value of TL 1,25 and TL 12,50 depicting old modes of transport of post in Cyprus. The stamps were printed in sheets of eight stamps.
Number printed:
G.K. Sonmezer
Devlet Basimevi
41 x 26
20.000 each
2020 - 1
12th of March 2020: UEFA EURO 2020 Football Championship
One stamp with a value of TL 6,25 celebrating the European Football Championship. The stamps were printed in sheets of nine stamps.
Membership costs €25 annually with a digital subscription to the Hermes. If you want to receive the Hermes also on paper, the contribution is €37,50 within The Netherlands, and € 50 for foreign members.