Corinphila Veilingen

Society News

24-05-2025 - The next members meeting.

08-02-2025 - The new Hermes was issued. The digital version is available

                         for members on the members-page.

20-01-2025 - New in the publication section: A large selection of 18 (!)

                       wonderful exhibits of Alexandre Galinos, (i.a. "Aero Espresso

                       Italiana", "The Rural Postal Service", "An unknown French

                       Levant, 1916-1923" and "The Balkan Wars 1912-13")

04-12-2024 - New in the publication section: two Exhibits, presented at

                       Balkanfila XX ("R-markings" and "The 30 lepta LHH")

04-11-2024 - New in the publications section: Marc Parren: British Troops

                        in Greece after World War II (1944-1952)

Other News

10-03-2025 - New stamps from Greece (100 Years of Olympiacos)

27-02-2025 - New stamps from Cyprus (Old Motorcycles)

29-01-2025 - New issue from Greece (Iconic creators of Greek stamps)

04-12-2024 - New self-adhesive stamps from Greece (B. & M. Theocharakis

                       Foundation for the Fine Arts & Music)

18-11-2024 - New stamps from Cyprus (Christmas)

13-11-2024 - New self-adhesive stamps from Greece (Balkanfila XX)

23-10-2024 - New issue from Greece (Child & Stamp – Young Hero)

14-10-2024 - New stamps from Greece (Distinguished Greek Personalities

                       (IFG Awards 2024)

11-10-2024 - New self-adhesive stamps from Greece (30 Years POESY

                       (Panhellenic Federation of Editors' Unions)

09-10-2024 - New stamps from Cyprus (60 Years social security and 150

                       Years UPU)

24-09-2024 - New book by the HPS, commemorating its 100th Birthday. See

                       here for more information.

02-06-2024 - New book by D. Papitsis, "The Large Hermes Heads of

                        Greece - Deciphering these magnificent Classical Stamps".

                        See for more information the HPS-site and here.